Jones Garden created its initial garden on a small plot of land at the corner of Montgomery Ave. and Peck St. in Staunton, VA.
thanks to the generosity of the QUEEN CITY LOGISTICS, THIS LAND HAD BEEN DONATED TO US. we've partnered with the owners of an adjacent property (qUICK'S BUS cO) to build an expanded growing space where we can focus on producing enough food to meet our communiTy's needs.
We chose this neighborhood for a few important reasons:
Neighborhood Beautification: We focus on beautifying areas of the community by creating inviting community green spaces that encourage community pride and enjoyment of nature. We want to create an unforgettable experience for locals as they step into our gardens.
Senior Population: A significant senior population living nearby in senior housing could benefit from a community garden where they can get fresh produce at a significantly reduced cost or free of charge. Seniors, in particular, are often making their dollars stretch on fixed incomes, and many have health conditions that require special attention to a wholesome diet.
Accessibility: Our goal is to offer healthier food options that community members can easily obtain. Convenience stores with pre-packaged, processed foods are more accessible but don’t offer enough foods of nutritional value. Continuous consumption of processed foods can lead to serious health conditions like Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension.
We are in need of donations and volunteers to keep this project running! If you are interested in contributing materials or funds, please DONATE. If you would like to get hands-on in the garden, VOLUNTEER with us! |